dont remember

2009-01-29 | 4:58 p.m.

everything i know
tells me
to forget your face.

oh but then i recall that mouth. flawless and inviting. so persistent in its shyness.
so bold in its unquestionable adeptness.
proficient in the destruction of my resistance.

can i forget? forget those lips that moved so slowly over my skin-
soft, sweet heated breath setting fire.
a call!
not to arms, but to capitulate.

forget those eyes that cast such a compelling embrace
that i must summon the strength to look away?
or how i felt so exposed the first time i was held captive by that gaze.
even still, i flush whenever i think i see
even the smallest spark of desire within those fiery eyes.

did you mean to beguile me?

non. j'oublierai.
i will forget your face.

but then... what about those hands...
how instinctively i yield under those deliberate finger tips.
they kindle a glowing impulse to submit under their warmth.
sweet unforced surrender.
white flags, weak knees.

mais non! j'oublierai.
i will forget your hands.

i must forget
how you brought me to life.
because living is much more painful then i remembered it to be.
so now...